lørdag den 26. maj 2012

Crazy different living wallpapers..... Therese Sennerholt

Crazy different living wallpapers. I fell i love with these designs and I have them throughout my house, it's a Swedish women named Therese Sennerholt www.theresesennerholtshop.se  who designed it .... LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT:) So many people asked me about my background images, the images ... You had me hello ..... I eat cake in bed and more ... Here are some of her designs.
Being passionate is the shit... MY FAVORITE ONE!!!!!

I think that i could fall madley in bed w. you...
Thank you mom :)  Anita Kiralyfalvy Schytte 
Brollylollies - Interior Freak´s Universe  for taking that picture, otherwise i would´t have found this cool designer........

I can resist everything but temptation....... so true!!!!!!!

 You are amazing just the way you are.....

 Normal people worry me.....

 Sometimes the best moments in life are the simple ones. Like having cheese doodles and wine.....

I can resist everything but temptation......

Today i will enjoy the beautiful things in life.....

I am fab so what?!........

Happines is here to stay.....

 Choose a job you love and you will never leave to work a day in your life confuoius.....

 I love you a lot .....

And there are many more...... :)

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