fredag den 18. maj 2012

Crazy Designs - lounge in 2 hours, 50euros.

Always wanted a lounge, most people say i shuld live in a warm country, but what if i just bring the warm feeling home..... so this is an idea i had for a long time becomming a reality <3 and i´m just not a mainstream girl:)
I got these pallets from a construction market, just ask nice for pallets they don´t need.... i got 9 large for free:)
3 more, i could stop here... but i love when i can´t reach the ground:)
The last 3....
They also gave me 3 half pallets for free, for the back, they are really easy to attach. And now the look:)
This "old" look wood on a roll, i found in a gardencenter. They use it for winter plants... I got it half price (springtime).
Around the lounge.
..... and the back.
Just threw some fantastic pillows from TineKhome and that just maked the topping:)
A few hours after the darkness came.... and i got my lounge:) the warm surroundings that i dream of... and a little taste of the countries that i longe for... I did it all while listening to Kavinsky- Nightcall (Drive soundtrack)...   I LOVE IT

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